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Christamas Eve

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I originally write this story in Chinese, here is a translation in English

Let's come back to Christmas Eve, because the party has begun. This is my first time drinking champagne, but it feels great, "grape wine luminous glass". Everyone talks in English; but many times I don't understand what they are talking about---they are all familiar syllables, but they have no meaning for me when linked. Probably my English and French are just right for mathematical discussion. And when everyone talks about cookies and drivers, all that flashes into my mind are website caches and hardware drivers. It seemed that there is no way to save a science-boy.

Since three of the eight people present are graduate students in mathematics, sometimes the scene almost became a mathematics seminar. I also enjoy it, except that there is a cute kitten that is not very interested in me. Eat enough and stay up late, then tomorrow you don't have to worry about the fact that you have forgotten to buy vegetables while supermarket will be closed. Although I want to get a bit drunk, the chat is so interesting that I just want to eat something more.

Alonso is really a talkative companion. He has probably lost his external age, and feels a true free to walk in his inner time and space. When he talks about the connection between autonomous driving and complex theory, I could barely know what is being said, under the condition that I chose to admitted some theorems I have never heard of. But when it comes to string theory of physics and particles being studied by some physicists, I was completely lost and shouted in my heart: Can you tell me what the behind mathematical model is? This is a guitar musician who easily turns everyone into his fan. Best accompaniment. With his guitar, I think I have been playing the beat for the last two hours happily.

Our hostess, Leena, is interesting. She says that when she saw the interior scenery of an ancient Chinese country house, she suddenly found her home. This triggers my homesickness; my hometown is such an ordinary small village, quiet mountains and sometimes desolate lakes, but I love her so much. This is also the first time I have been praised as a poet. I really want to talk about Du Fu, Su Shi, and even Jiang Kui, but it is out of my scope. Later I provokes the topic about Bourbaki, a group of mathematicians. I didn't expect Leena to have experienced this reform of mathematics education in France. And she said Bourbaki's introduction of mathematics made her feel particularly clear. This is different from what I learned in textbooks. For the first time, I know that there are students at the time liked this kind of method. It is amazing.

Heeral is from India and made delicious fried rice for us at the hostess's house, but I forgot to praise her for the food. She askes me some direct questions to the soul, so I have to organize the language carefully.

Have you been interested in mathematics since childhood?

What contribution can you make to society as a mathematician?

And in front of her, I once again talk about where the passion for a certain subject came from. It is surprising that some people would agree that this passion comes from the admiration of some leading figures in the discipline. When I was in high school, I started my admiration of Bourbaki, and I only have talked this feeling to my best friends. What a wonderful thing to be able to talk about the passion in my heart again!

Manisha is a little shy girl, and the gift I picked was for her. Maybe she won't be so shy after she finishes college. When I chose the gift, I really wondered which poet she would like? Except for Oliver Mary, who I didn't know at all. And I asked nine times what her name was (I was so forgetful), and I finally remembered the name after the song ended.

Marie gives me two Nietzsche books, and fortunately, the version Thus Spoke Zarathustra that she chooses was in English. The other is my favorite "Par-delà le bien et le mal". This is in fact the birthday gift I have always wanted, so happy! She sings very well, and the final performance with Alonso is the climax of the whole party. I also thank her for driving us home. On the road, she mentions that she usually gets up at 5 o'clock and likes to drive on that kind of quiet road. This is an impressive sentence in my mind.

Chutian is still very used of drinking, and this girl who sleeps regularly is not able to stay up late. When introducing Chinese, it seems that we are speaking two different kinds of Mandrin, and sometimes we seem not to come from the same mathematics school. Her talking often takes me back to the life of Wuhan University, and it is very cute to be reminded of my alma mater.

Finally, Robin, our visual designer who can continue any topics with the audience, can also come to an amazing piece of RAP if necessary. He is the singer Marie's boyfriend. At the end, Marie gives him a handsome little pigtail. I feel like a little brown scorpion. We talk about my disappointed experience when trying to understand visual design two years ago. I was sad that our design was controlled by some large companies, which was lacking in artistry and more industrial. This interesting guy finally show us the work he designed. But it is too sleepy at the time, I haven't took a good observation of it, what a pity.

After talking about seven people, there should be another one to introduce---the cute little white cat. Alas, love cannot be expressed without understanding the language. Sadly, I felt a loss in love. So the young man who was not understood by the cat of soul came home and wrote a Christmas Eve story.