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Obtain compactness using Souslin spaces

Thursday, September 29, 2022

In this post, I would like to share an idea that finally leads to a breakthrough in my research work. My main reference book [1] is the two volumes monograph Measure Theory by V.I.Bogachev. Any cited propositions in the following are meant to be found in this book.

Problem setting

Let XX be a space equipped with various topologies. For example, XX might be a space of functions or functionals, where different metrics exist. Fix one possible topology and a Borel measure μ\mu with respect to it.

Recall that a Borel measure μ\mu on X is called a Radon measure if for BB(X)B \in \mathcal{B}(X) and ε>0\varepsilon > 0, there exists a compact set KεBK_\varepsilon \subset B such that μ(BKε)<ε|\mu|(B\setminus K_{\varepsilon})<\varepsilon. It is well-known that, stated as Theorem 7.1.7 in the book, any finite Borel measure on a complete and separable space is Radon. Hence, there is usually no trouble to obtain a non-trivial compact set for a given Borel measure μ\mu.

Here is the main problem today. Given a Borel measure μ\mu and Borel set BXB \subset X with respect to a given topology (X,τ1)(X, \tau_1), is it possible to obtain a non-trivial compact subset of BB with respect to another given topology (X,τ2)(X, \tau_2)? Regardless possible topological assumptions on (X,τ1)(X, \tau_1) or (X,τ2)(X, \tau_2), there are two things to resolve if we want to apply the previous Radon measure trick:

  1. μ\mu must be a Borel measure with respect to the topology (X,τ2)(X, \tau_2);
  2. BB must be a Borel set of (X,τ2)(X, \tau_2).

We introduce the concept of Souslin spaces to solve this problem by giving mild assumptions that imply the identity between the two Borel σ\sigma-algebras generated by (X,τ1)(X, \tau_1) and (X,τ2)(X, \tau_2), which will denoted by σ1\sigma_1 and σ2\sigma_2. In other words, we shall use Souslin spaces to discuss that under what conditions we will have σ1:=σ(τ1)\sigma_1 := \sigma(\tau_1) equals to σ2:=σ(τ2)\sigma_2 := \sigma(\tau_2).

Souslin spaces [2]

The name Souslin might be written as Suslin, which is the case on Wikipedia. While Souslin was a research student of Luzin, at the age of 22 or 23 [3], he found an error in an argument of Lebesgue [4], who believed he had proved that for any Borel set in R2\mathbb{R}^{2}, the projection onto the real axis was also a Borel set. It is clear that this discovery inspires nowadays definition of Souslin space.


A set in a Hausdorff space is called Souslin if it is the image of a complete separable metric space under a continuous mapping. A Souslin space is a Hausdorff space that is a Souslin set. The empty set is Souslin as well.

Souslin sets are also called analytic sets. The complement of a Souslin set in a Souslin space is called co-Souslin or coanalytic.

This definition looks ordinary and less powerful as expected. But as happened frequently in the domain of measure theory, we also have an unexpected equivalent definition for it. It is stated in Theorem 6.6.8 from the book that every Souslin set in a Hausdorff space can be obtained from closed sets by means of the A\mathcal{A}-operation. The rough idea is that A\mathcal{A}-operation includes at least countable unions and intersections. We shall show this equivalence in the next section.


Let's sketch the proofs of some interesting properties of the Souslin space. To simplify our arguments, we introduce the concept of Polish spaces.

A topological space homeomorphic to a complete separable metric space is called Polish Space. The empty set is also included in the class of Polish spaces.

The representation of a Polish space as the continous image from the Baire space NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}[5], which is endowed with product topology of the discrete topology on N\mathbb{N}, is the starting point of classical descriptive set theory. We can always find the spirit of its proof in the theory of Souslin space. Let us define the A\mathcal{A}-operation to reveal this idea.

Let XX be a nonempty set and let E\mathcal{E} be some class of its subsets. We say that we are given a Souslin scheme (or a table of sets) {An0,,nk}\{A_{n_0, \ldots , n_k}\} with values in E\mathcal{E} if, to every finite sequence (n0,,nk)(n_0, \ldots , n_k) of natural numbers, there corresponds a set An0,,nkEA_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} \in \mathcal{E}. The A\mathcal{A}-operation (or the Souslin operation) over the class E\mathcal{E} is a mapping that to every Souslin scheme {An0,,nk}\{A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}\} with values in E\mathcal{E} associates the set

A=(ni)NNk=0An0,,nk. A = \bigcup_{ (n_i) \in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} } \bigcap_{ k=0 }^ \infty A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}.
The sets of this form are called E\mathcal{E}-Souslin or E\mathcal{E}-analytic.

One can use the A\mathcal{A}-operation to construct the following continuous surjection.

Every nonempty complete separable metric space is the image of NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} under a continuous mapping.

Let us equip NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} with the metric

ϱ(α,β)=j=02j1njmjnjmj+1,α=(nj),β=(mj), \varrho(\alpha,\beta)=\sum_{j=0}^{\infty}2^{-j-1}\frac{|n_{j}-m_{j}|} {|n_{j}-m_{j}|+1},\quad\alpha=(n_{j}),\,\beta=(m_{j}),
which gives rise to the topology of the Baire space. We represent the given space X in the form X=j=0E(j)X = \bigcup_{j = 0}^\infty E(j) where the sets E(j)E(j) are closed (not necessarily disjoint) of diameter less than 222^{-2}. By induction, for every kk, we find a closed set E(n0,,nk)E(n_0, \ldots , n_k) of diameter less than 2k22^{−k−2} with
E(n0,,nk)=j=0E(n0,,nk,j). E(n_{0},\ldots,n_{k}) = \bigcup_{j=0}^{\infty}E(n_{0},\ldots,n_{k},j).
For every α=(ni)NN\alpha = (n_i) \in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}, the closed sets E(n0,...,nk)E(n_0, . . . , n_k) are decreasing and have diameters less than 2k22^{−k−2}. Hence, they shrink to a single point denoted by f(α)f(\alpha). Note that f(NN)=Xf(\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}) = X. Indeed, every point xx belongs to some set E(n0)E(n_0), then to E(n0,n1)E(n_0, n_1) and so on, which yields an element α\alpha such that f(α)=xf(\alpha) = x. In addition, ff is locally Lipschitzian. If ϱ(α,β)<14\varrho(\alpha, \beta) < \frac{1}{4}, then there exists kk with 2k2ϱ(α,β)<2k12^{−k−2} ≤ \varrho(\alpha, \beta) < 2^{−k−1}. Then αi=βi\alpha_i = \beta_i if iki ≤ k. Hence f(α)f(\alpha) and f(β)f(\beta) belong to E(n0,,nk)E(n_0, \ldots , n_k), whence we obtain ρ(f(α),f(β))<2k2ϱ(α,β)\rho( f(\alpha), f(\beta) ) < 2^{−k−2} ≤ \varrho(\alpha, \beta), where ρ\rho be the metric in X. Thus, ff is continuous.

Let S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) denote the class of all Souslin sets in a topological space X, then a. S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) includes all open and closed subsets of XX; b. S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) is closed with respect to the A\mathcal{A}-operation; c. Any element of S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) can be written as the A\mathcal{A}-operation of closed subsets of XX.

Pleas click to expand any of the following details if you are interested in.

Proof for (a):

We remark that any open or closed subsets of a Polish space is Polish. In fact, to construct a metric on the open subset XYXX \setminus Y \subset X with YY a closed subset of a given Polish metric space (X,ϱ)(X, \varrho), we simply define

ϱ0(x,y)=ϱ(x,y)+dist(x,XY)dist(y,XY)dist(x,XY)dist(y,XY)+1, \varrho_{0}(x,y)=\varrho(x,y)+\frac{|\mathrm{dist}(x,X\setminus Y)-\mathrm{dist}(y,X\setminus Y)|} {|\mathrm{dist}(x,X\setminus Y)-\mathrm{dist}(y,X\setminus Y)|+1},
which turns out to be complete.

Proof for (b):

One can construct infinite product of Polish spaces to show that S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) is closed with respect to countable union and intersection. For the general case, we first lift a given Souslin scheme of S(X)\mathcal{S}(X) to a monotone disjoint Souslin scheme of S(X×NN)\mathcal{S}(X \times \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}). A scheme {An0,,nk}\{ A_{n_0, \ldots, n_k} \} is monotone if An0,,nkAn0,,nk1A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} \subset A_{n_0,\ldots,n_{k-1}}, and it is disjoint if AαAβ=A_\alpha \cap A_\beta = \emptyset for αβNN\alpha \neq \beta \in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}. We can trivialize the A\mathcal{A}-operation for monotone disjoint Souslin scheme {An0,,nk}\{A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}\} to countable unions and intersections since for this scheme we have

(ni)NNk=0An0,,nk=k=0niNAn0,,nk. \bigcup_{ (n_i) \in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} } \bigcap_{k=0}^\infty A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} = \bigcap_{k=0}^\infty \bigcup_{ n_i \in \mathbb{N}} A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}.

For our proof, first notice that we can transform any scheme to be monotone without changing the result of A\mathcal{A}-operation by re-defining

An0,,nk:=An0An0,n1An0,,nk. A_{n_0,\ldots, n_k} := A_{n_0} \cap A_{n_0, n_1} \cap \ldots \cap A_{n_0, \ldots, n_k} .
To render a scheme AA disjoint, we define An0,,nk:=An0,,nk×Cn0,,nk,A^\prime_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} := A_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} \times C_{n_0, \ldots, n_k}, where Cn0,,nkC_{n_0, \ldots, n_k} is the set of sequences in NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} whose first k+1k+1 element is (n0,,nk)(n_0, \ldots, n_k). Then the A\mathcal{A}-operation gives us a Souslin set in the space X×NNX \times \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}. Finally, one can get the original A\mathcal{A}-operation result by projection.

Proof for (c):

Let a set AA be the image of the space NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} under a continuous mapping ff. For every finite sequence n0,,nkn_0, \ldots , n_k, we denote by Fn0,,nkF_{n_0, \ldots ,n_k} the closure of f(Cn0,,nk)f(C_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}), where we define Cn0,,nkC_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} as in the proof of (b):

Cn0,,nk={(mi)NN:(m0,,mk)=(n0,,nk)}. C_{n_{0},\ldots,n_{k}}= \left\{(m_{i}) \in \mathbb{N}^{\mathbb{N}} :\, (m_{0},\ldots,m_{k})=(n_{0},\ldots,n_{k}) \right\}.
One can then show that A=(ni)NNk=0Fn0,,nkA = \bigcup_{(n_i) \in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}} \bigcap_{k=0}^\infty F_{n_0,\ldots,n_k} by noticing that f((ni))=k=0Fn0,,nkf((n_i)) = \bigcap_{k=0}^\infty F_{n_0,\ldots,n_k}.

We thus finish the proof.

Radon measure and Souslin space

In practice, it is necessary to know the following result, stated as Theorem 7.4.3 in the book.

If XX is a Souslin space, then every Borel measure μ\mu on XX is Radon.

Theorems by Souslin or Lusin

After getting a bit acquaintance of Souslin spaces, we now discuss several fondamental and useful results in this theory.

(Lusin's Separation Theorem) Let XX be a Hausdorff space and let A,BXA,B \subset X be two disjoint Souslin sets. Then there is a Borel set CXC \subset X separating AA from BB.

We can express AA and BB as the continuous images of NN\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} under ff and gg. If we cannot separate AA and BB with Borel sets, it must be that we cannot separate two Souslin subsets, say f(Cn0)Af(C_{n_0}) \subset A and g(Cm0)Bg(C_{m_0}) \subset B, with Borel sets, where CiNNC_i \subset \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N} is the set of sequences starting with iNi \in \mathbb{N}. Continue this argument applying to the two chosen subsets in each step, we will finally get a contradiction that we cannot even separate two points in a Hausdorff space.

Suppose that the complement of a Souslin set AA in a Hausdorff space XX is Souslin. Then AA is a Borel set.

Let (X,τ)(X, \tau) be a Souslin space. If ττ\tau^\prime \subset \tau is another topology on XX, then (X,τ)(X, \tau) and (X,τ)(X, \tau^\prime) have the same Borel set.

Let f:(X,τ)(X,τ)f: (X, \tau) \rightarrow (X, \tau^\prime) be the continuous identity map that sends xXx \in X to xx. For BB a Borel set in (X,τ)(X, \tau), B=f(B)B = f(B) is a Souslin set in (X,τ)(X, \tau^\prime) since ff is continuous and BB, being Souslin in (X,τ)(X, \tau), is the continuous image of a Polish space. For the same reason, XBX \setminus B is a Souslin set for (X,τ)(X, \tau^\prime), which implies that BB is Borel set for (X,τ)(X, \tau^\prime).

Exemplar usage in my research

Let (E,d)(E,d) be a Polish space, then the Wasserstein-22 space W2(E)\mathcal{W}_2(E) is also a Polish space. Fix a reference measure μ\mu on (E,d)(E, d). Define the set B:=W2(E)Pac(E)\mathbb{B}: = \mathcal{W}_2(E) \cap P_{\operatorname{ac}}(E) of absolutely continuous probability measures in W2(E)\mathcal{W}_2(E) with respect to μ\mu. Via the identification fμBff \cdot \mu \in \mathbb{B} \leftrightarrow f, we consider B\mathbb{B} as a subset of the unit sphere of L1(μ)L^1(\mu).

We can consider B\mathbb{B} with different topologies. We denote by (B,τw)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_w) the topological space with respect to the weak convergence of probability measures, denote by (B,τW)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_W) the topological subspace of (W2(M),W)(\mathcal{W}_2(M), W), denote by (B,τ)(\mathbb{B}, \tau) the weak topological space induced by the dual space L(μ)L^\infty(\mu) of L1(μ)L^1(\mu) and denote by (B,τL)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_L) the topological subspace of the Lebesgue space L1(μ)L^1(\mu). From these definitions, we always have τwττL\tau_w \subset \tau \subset \tau_L and τwτW\tau_w \subset \tau_W. Now it is a good exercise to show that

The four topological spaces (B,τw)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_w), (B,τW)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_W), (B,τ)(\mathbb{B}, \tau) and (B,τL)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_L) have the same Borel sets.

In particular, if PW2(W2(E))\mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{W}_2(\mathcal{W}_2(E)) gives mass to the set B\mathbb{B}, then it gives mass to a compact subset of (B,τL)(\mathbb{B}, \tau_L).

  1. I share an PDF copy of this book on Google Drive in case you might need. ↩︎

  2. One can consult section 6.6 and section 6.7 in the book for a detailed understanding of this concept. ↩︎

  3. Souslin died at the age of 24, comparing to the fact that Galois died at the age of 20 and Abel died at the age of 26. ↩︎

  4. It is in the proof of Théorème XVIII in his paper Sur les fonctions représentables analytiquement, p.193, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 6e série, tome 1 (1905), p. 139-216. ↩︎

  5. The Baire space is homeomorphic to topological subspace of irrationals on (0,1) using the continued fraction. ↩︎